The City of a Million Mannequins

Many things can be said about Alexandria and it can be described in many different ways. One of these, no doubt, being through the eyes of the millions of mannequins inhabiting the trillions of shop window displays all over town. This is a city of a million mannequins. I am presenting here is a random selection of a few of the types of mannequins found in Alexandria. 

1. First up: the creepy children. 
Just as people usually find children cute, because they are small, innocent and defenseless (I suppose this is why nature created them small and cute - because they are defenseless and need grow-ups to take care of them, rather that abuse and kill them), we somehow find creepy images of children especially disturbing. Looking at these reminds me of "Chucky" from the horror movie about a doll who was killing people. This category comes in many variations, here are just a few examples.

The decapitated heads. Maybe its the angelic golden locks, or maybe its just the fact that they are body-less heads of children? Identical body-less heads?

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Now, maybe its just me, but I find the green skin-toned babies extremely disturbing. Are they dead? Drowned? Choked? Shrek? Zombie babies, maybe? ... 

2. The horror movie.

An old house, slightly passed its prime, but still impressive enough to give an idea of the wealth the family once possessed. A beautiful woman, her youth slowly beginning to fade, but still radiant enough to charm hopeful suitors. What the whole neighborhood is thinking, but nobody says out loud, is why none of the men interested in her have ever been seen again? 

Three beautiful sisters, waiting for a man to wonder into the house never to come out of it again. Maybe he will be a plumber, coming to fix the sink they had broken themselves, maybe a suitor, lured by an insinuating invitation to dinner ... With the eyes of my imagination, I can see the ax one of them is holding behind her back and the little flask of arsenic hidden in another one's bosom ...

3. The zombie attack.

4. The Star Trek.

5. The weird hair.

6. The boys band.

7. The faceless gaze.

8. The sad romantic gaze.

9. The sad romantic gaze, female version.

10. The I'm-sexy-and-I-know-it.

11. The half-head.

12. The Superman. 

13. The Alien.

14. The European type.

15. The macho man.

16. The boobs.

17. Which brings me to the broader category of strippers, prostitutes and victims of human trafficking from Easter Europe ... 

Doesn't she just look like somebody beat her up and took her passport? She can't be older than 15 ... Call the embassy, get help! The only thing missing are white high-heeled boots.

18. The hard-core lingerie. 

I took these pictures on my way to work in a main street. The ladies are behind bars, because this early in the morning the store was still closed. 

I find it fascinating, how a society as violently prude, as the Egyptian, can so lightly separate a feminine mannequin from a woman of flesh and blood. "Real women" are not supposed wear skirts shorter than above the ankles, while window displays in lingerie stores present hard-core sexy outfits for everyone to see. And no one (except me, that is) seems to find it strange to see bare bosoms and pussies, kinky stockings and fish-eye jumpsuits. As if there was no relation at all between "real women" and the sexualized mannequins of women or feminine body parts.

19. And, finally - the niqab. 

The shop displays reflect the variety of women's dress codes in the streets. These conservatively-dressed mannequins can be found along side much more revealing big-boobed mannequins in short dresses,

20. Bonus: "Have you prayed on the Prophet today?" 
A campaign in Egypt: the police say that whoever puts this sign on their car is Muslim Brotherhood. So, a series of jokes and pranks followed. Here, the sign is put up on a display of sexy lingerie,

Fot. Source unknown.
